Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Manhattan Project Essay Example For Students

The Manhattan Project Essay On the morning of August 6, 1945, a B-29 plane named EnolaGay flew over the mechanical city of Hiroshima, Japan and dropped thefirst nuclear bomb ever. The city went up on fire brought about by theimmense power equivalent to around 20,000 tons of TNT. The undertaking was asuccess. They were an uncommon array of non military personnel, andmilitary logical cerebrum powerbrilliant, serious, and youthful, thepeople that built up the bomb. Unconsciously they came to anisolated mountain setting, known as Los Alamos, New Mexico, to designand construct the bomb that would end World War 2, however start seriouscontroversies concerning its sheer force and obliteration. I becameinterested in this point as a result of my enthusiasm for science andhistory. It appeared to be a fitting point since I am presentlystudying World War 2 in my Social Studies Class. The Hiroshima andNagasaki bombings were constantly educated to me with some assessment, and Ialways needed to know the bomb itself and the fa ir-minded impacts that ithad. This I-look was an incredible open door for me to really fulfillmy intrigue. We will compose a custom article on The Manhattan Project explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The Manhattan Project was the code name for the US effortduring World War II to deliver the nuclear bomb. It was appropriatelynamed for the Manhattan Engineer District of the US Army Corps ofEngineers, since a great part of the early examination was done in New YorkCity (Badash 238). Started by displaced person physicists in the UnitedStates, the program was gradually sorted out after atomic parting wasdiscovered by German researchers in 1938, and numerous US scientistsexpressed the dread that Hitler would endeavor to fabricate a splitting bomb. Disappointed with the possibility that Germany may create a nuclear bombfirst, Leo Szilard and different researchers asked Albert Einstein, afamous researcher during that time, to utilize his impact and compose aletter to president FDR, arguing for help to additionally explore thepower of atomic splitting (Badash 237). His letters were a success,and President Roosevelt set up the Manhattan Project. Physicists from 1939 forward led a lot of exploration to findanswers to such inquiries as what number of neutrons were transmitted in eachfission, which components would not catch the neutrons however wouldmoderate or lessen their speed , and whether just the lighter andscarcer isotope of uranium (U-235) fissioned or the regular isotope(U-238) could be utilized. They discovered that every parting discharges a fewneutrons. A chain response, in this way, was hypothetically conceivable, ifnot such a large number of neutrons got away from the mass or were caught byimpurities. To make this chain response and transform it into a usableweapon was a definitive objective of the Manhattan Project. In 1942 General Leslie Groves was picked to lead the project,and he promptly bought a site at Oak Ridge, Tenn., forfacilities to isolate the vital uranium-235 from the much morecommon uranium-238. Uranium 235 was an ideal decision for the bombbecause of its bizarrely flimsy arrangement. In this way, the race toseparate the two started. During that time, the work to consummate thefiring component and structure of the bomb was additionally quickly in progress. General Groves starting undertaking had been to choose a scientificdirector for the bomb venture. His initial two decisions, Ernest O. Lawrence, chief of the electromagnetic division venture, andArthur H. Compton, executive of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory, werenot accessible. Forests had a few questions with respect to the following bestcandidate, J. Robert Oppenheimer (Wood 2). At last, Groves gambledon Oppenheimer, a hypothetical mathematician, as chief of theweapons research facility, based on a disconnected plateau (level land region) at LosAlamos, New Mexico. After much trouble, a spongy hindrance reasonable forseparating isotopes of uranium was created and introduced in the OakRidge vaporous dissemination plant. At last, in 1945, uranium-235 of bombpurity was dispatched to Los Alamos, where it was molded into agun-type weapon. In a barrel, one bit of uranium was terminated atanother, together shaping a supercritical, hazardous mass. To achievechain-response splitting, a specific measure of fissile material, calledcritical mass, is vital. The fissile material utilized in theHiroshima model was uranium 235. In the bomb, the uranium was dividedinto two sections, the two of which were beneath minimum amount. The bomb wasdesigned with the goal that one section would be hammered into the other by anexplosive gadget to accomplish minimum amount immediately (Badash238). At the point when minimum amount is accomplished, nonstop splitting (a chainreaction) happens in a very brief timeframe, and farmore vitality is discharged than on account of a b lack powder explosion(Badash 238). On December 2, 1942, the primary self-supporting chainreaction with cadmium occurred, managed by Enrico Fermi, in theUniversity of Chicago squash fields (Asimov 783). .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e , .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .postImageUrl , .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e , .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:hover , .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:visited , .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:active { border:0!important; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:active , .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f93 28d1b1e .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u8056b0bd97be1d6b1ea7a2f9328d1b1e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Cutting Fine Arts in Schools EssayAnother sort of nuclear bomb was additionally developed utilizing thesynthetic component plutonium. Fermi constructed a reactor at Chicago in late1942, the model of five creation reactors raised at Hanford,Wash. These reactors fabricated plutonium by shelling uranium-238with neutrons. At Los Alamos the plutonium was encircled with highexplosives to pack it into a too thick, too minimum amount farfaster than should be possible in a firearm barrel. The outcome was tried atAlamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, and was the first explosionof a nuclear bomb code-named Trinity (Beyer 55). In any case, everything was not that simple coming up to this milestonepoint. Security limitations bound the two laborers and townspeople. Everyone had a similar location where all mail was edited (Wood 4). Everyone was limited to a 200 mile span, and occupants of LosAlamos were disallowed from telling companions and family members where theylived (Wood 4). There were not kidding issues of security of documents,due to inability to bolt up (Wood 4). The one genuine occurrence was the recruiting of Klaus Fuchs. Hewas later found, and sentenced for getting mystery records andsending them to the Soviet Union. A skilled and hardworkingscientist himself, Fuchs empowered the Soviet Union to make their ownatomic bomb (Beyer 45). Names were not permitted to be mentionedoutside of the lab. Everyone was a â€Å"sir† or â€Å"mister† insteadof their own name (Wood 4). Except if they worked at the lab themselves,wives remained unaware of their spouses research (Wood 4). Choices to drop the nuclear bomb experienced severalpersonalities, yet at last settled upon president Truman. The manwhose choices made the Manhattan Project, never lived to see theresults of his work. FDR passed on April 12, a quarter of a year prior thefirst effective Trinity test (Beyer 56). The duties weresoon set upon Truman, the following president. Truman knew nothingabout the bomb and its belongings yet hurriedly concluded that the bomb beused on Japan, considering Germany was not, at this point an objective with the warin Europe over. Started by Szilard, a request was made to offerthe supposition that the bomb ought to be utilized just if Japan rejected tosurrender, considerably in the wake of being educated regarding the bombs destructivecapabilities (Beyer 65). By and by, the choice was made that thebombs would be utilized until Japan gave up. The Hiroshima model is known as a firearm barrel-type nuclear bomb. Because of its long and restricted shape, the Hiroshima model was called â€Å"ThinMan† from the start, however during the assembling procedure the first planswere altered, shortening the length and offering ascend to the nameâ€Å"Little Boy.† (Beyer 48).The vitality discharged from the Hiros

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Critically evaluate the tests for certainty of objects in the law of Essay

Basically assess the tests for assurance of articles in the law of trusts and evaluate whether advancements in the last 50 years have had a positive or negative effect on the law - Essay Example The evaluation of conviction of articles is mind boggling in light of the fact that the test fluctuates between unimportant forces, fixed trusts and optional trusts. The purpose behind recognizing the objects of trust is to guarantee that there is an individual who can uphold trust against the trustee. Furthermore, there must be somebody who can get an activity court in the event that the obligations of the trustee are not accomplished. The trust should likewise have the capacity of being executed in that when there is no human people to profit by the trust then the idea of trust becomes pointless2. In this manner, when a recipient is expressly named in the trust deed there is no disarray with regards to the conviction of articles. In situations where an individual isn't unequivocally named in the trust deed, however the trust archive gives a portrayal of a person that should benefit from the trust property. Furthermore, on the off chance that the portrayal is clear and exact that it is a specific individual then this essential is fulfilled. In an assurance of items where the trust is made for a lot of individuals for instance, ‘my children’ this condition will succeed where it has been built up that there is satisfactory conviction to recognize every individual from the gathering/class of people3. At the point when a gathering of individuals are not unmistakably portrayed, characterized, or expressed in unclear terms their significance can be deciphered utilizing the reasonable vulnerability. Two tests that have been made to build up whether all people inside the gathering can be obviously perceived. They incorporate the class ascertainability test, which becomes possibly the most important factor where trustees make a total rundown of every person that comes extremely close to individuals to profit by trust. In spite of the fact that the courts don't have to realize the whole class so as to choose whether the trustees are choosing inside the gathering, on the off chance that the trustees don't do so then it must be said that the trustees are not practicing their obligations in the event that they have

Friday, August 21, 2020

Winterizing Your Home How To Prep for Winter on the Cheap

Winterizing Your Home How To Prep for Winter on the Cheap How to Prep Your Home for Winter on the Cheap How to Prep Your Home for Winter on the CheapDon’t let the winter frosts crack a hole in your budget.The summer weather may be lasting longer this year, but the cold shall come again. And when it does, you want to be ready for it. If you have a family, you don’t want them to be freezing through the season, and even if you live on your own, you still shouldn’t want to freeze. It’s very bad for your health.Of course, you can always run up huge heating bills and take out a high-interest loan to pay for damage from winter storms. Thats one way to get through  to springâ€"although your savings might not make it. Being broke isn’t as bad as freezing to death, the former can certainly lead to the latter, so it’s really better avoided.That’s why the time to start winterizing your home right now.  The sooner you get prepped, the better chance youll have to avoid serious bills and the predatory bad credit loans and no credit check loans that follow in their wake. That’s why we spoke to the experts to find out how you can get your home ready for winter for less. Read on to learn how to prepare your home for winter weather and save cash!Get an audit (the good kind)The first step in spending less on heating your home is figuring out how much you’re actually spending on heating your home and energy in your home in general. And the best way to do that is with an audit.“I just bought a home that is quite old, and Im worried about the energy costs I will accrue,” financial expert Maggie Germano (@MaggieGermano) told us, sharing her personal experience with preparing her home for winter. “This is especially true in the master bedroom, which was built into what used to be the attic. There are clearly some insulation issues, and I dont want to go broke paying my utilities. One solution Ive found is to get a home energy audit. There is a local company that teams up with my states environment department in order to cut energy use and spending. They assess you r home and recommend any changes or updates you should incorporate.To make it better, they tell you about any tax benefits you can get from the state by implementing these changes. So not only will you save money on energy costs, but youll also likely get a tax break for doing so. Im really looking forward to my energy audit, and cant wait to make my home as sustainable as possible.”Award-winning author Shel Horowitz (@shelhorowitz) advised how not to spend too much on your audit: “Get an energy audit from your local electric company. Power companies are under instructions to encourage conservation, so they typically do energy audits for free or for a $10 or $20 fee.”Of course, if you want to be sure you’re getting your energy audit for free, you can always perform your own version. “One way to prepare your home for winter is to review your electricity bills and address how much you’re actually paying for electricity,” suggested Kelly Bedrich, co-founder of  Electricit  (@shopelectricity). “If your home uses an electric heating system, electric hot water heater, or if you pull a Clark Griswold and like to go crazy with the holiday lights, you may benefit from shopping for a lower electricity rate.”Bedrich even offered some specific ways you can lower your rate in a previous article about keeping your house cool for less during the summer.But, of course, there are changes in behavior and home you can make to really rack up the savings while staying warm.Insulate, insulate, insulateA properly insulated house can be as warm as a little furry fox wrapped in a blanket licking hot cocoa from a small dog bowl by a roaring fire surrounded by a family telling it how much they love it.To that end, Ali Wenzke (@AliWenzke)  of  The Art of Happy Moving told us two essential insulation goals. The first targets one of the more obvious ways that the cold air cold air can leak into your house: the windows.“For under $10, you can make a huge impact on cutting down your winter heating bills by using a window insulation kit. If done properly, you wont even notice the plastic wrap on your windows. If youre not crazy about the look, then compromise and only insulate windows that you see less often or that are usually covered by window treatments.”The other location is a little bit spookier: “Even if theres a layer of insulation in your unconditioned attic floor, the problem is that the heat will rise to fill the cold area created by any leaks or holes. Namely, the heat youre trying to conserve in your home will sneak its way up through the attic door. To save yourself some money in the long term, invest in an attic insulation tent or a box that fits over the opening of your pull-down stairs.”John Bodrozic, co-founder of Homezada (@HomeZada) gave us even more advice for keeping the heat from leaking out of the attic:“Check the attic for spots or areas where the insulation is a bit thin. This could be over an access door, o r in areas around pipes, and equipment that go through the attic floor and into the house. Adding a few layers of insulation there really helps warm air from escaping the house.“Check your ductwork in the attic. Most ductwork in the attic is hung, and therefore develops a sag over time. This sagging can create a situation where a smaller piece of the ductwork has disconnected from a bigger part. This creates a lot of waste as hot conditioner air is blowing into the attic and not into the house/room where the disconnected duct is.“In addition, you should consider insulating the ductwork and making sure as much of each duct is wrapped in insulation. This is another area where heat escapes and thus the house not being as warm as it should.”But that’s not all!Finding an outletIt turns out there might be heat leaking out of your house in nearly every room. Here’s what Horowitz told us to look out for:“Put your hand over an electrical outlet on an outside wall on a cold night and you’ll feel the rush of frigid air! Insulate your electrical outlets, switches, and phone jacks on outside walls.If your energy auditor didn’t give them to you, most hardware stores sell inexpensive foam outlet and phone jack insulation pads; just unscrew the faceplate, slip the foam pad on, and put the faceplate back.”Now let’s climb up onto the roof!The roof, the roof, the roof being on fire isn’t an advisable way to keep your house warmLet’s head all the way to the roof of the house now, or as nobody calls it, the hat of your home.“Your roof is integral, keeping your house warm, dry, insulated and protected from the outdoors,” Sage Singleton, home maintenance expert at Safewise (@SafeWise), advised. “Just like a car needs a regular oil change, your roof needs a regular inspection to make sure it is in good condition. Dont wait for the harsh winter months to see if the roof is leaking or has ice backup. Ice backup forms in winter and is caused by poor ventila tion or inadequate insulation in the attic.”And Singleton also had some advice for the roof’s sideburns, the gutters: “Gutters control water flow, away from your roof, walls, and foundation. When they get clogged with leaves and debris throughout the year, they no longer function properly. If your gutters are clogged, they can cause water to overflow and flood your basement. Clean out your rain gutters, ideally each spring and fall. Cleaning your gutters in the autumn ensures they are clear of debris and will function properly in the cold, wet months to come.”And what are gutters, really, butThe time is pipepipes that have been cut in half. And when it comes to getting your house ready for winter, it’s important to get the pipes ready.“During winter, outside water can freeze and burst exterior pipes,” warned Singleton. “Rather than letting this happen, take precautions to prevent frozen pipes by disconnecting all garden hoses and draining any water left in outdoor sp igots. If you have an automatic sprinkler system, drain it as well.If the temperature will drop below freezing overnight, leave exterior faucets trickling to avoid the pressure buildup that causes burst pipes. You can also avoid frozen and burst pipes inside your house by insulating your home and pipes. Use foam, heating cables, or pipe sleeves, and seal any cracks in your home’s exterior.”When you winterize around the house, you winterize AROUND the houseAnd now, before we go, we’ve got some more general tips you can use to keep your house warm on the cheap.Carson Yarbrough, personal finance and savings specialist for credit cards at (@Offers), gave us three different winter prep tips.The first was about your water heater: “Get free savings with this simple trick. Hot water heaters are typically set at around 140 degrees. Lower the temperature on yours to 120 for savings on thermal energy costs. You’ll also lessen the chance of accidental burns, and the water w ill still be hot enough for showers, laundry and doing the dishes!”Next she offered us a way to insulate one of the few places in the house we hadn’t told you to insulate yet: “You can install a door sweep to stop chilly winds from entering your home under an outside door. A door sweep is a flexible piece of rubber or plastic that’s held to the door’s lower edge by a strip of aluminum. You can find cheap door sweeps at home improvement stores anywhere from $6-$40.”And your furnace filters? Yeah, Yarbrough told us you’re going to want to replace those: “Dirty furnace filters reduce furnace efficiency and raise heating utility bills. They also shorten the life of a furnace! Check and replace the furnace filter monthly in winter to see savings on your monthly bill. If youre unable to see through the filter, its time to replace it. You can find a 4 pack at Walmart for just $15 $3.75 a filter well worth it for those added winter savings!”Jeffrey Weldler, Marketing Dir ector and Interior Decorating Expert at Vänt Wall Panels (@VantPanels), gave us a couple tips of things to keep an eye on around the house: “Keep closet doors closed and close off rooms you don’t use. Close vents in unused rooms so you don’t pay to heat space you’re not using. Look for cracks in your exterior or foundation. You can seal them with caulking to keep the draft out. Also check the roof for missing shingles or tiles to make sure moisture doesn’t get in your attic and cause mold.”Finally, Kelly McClenahan, decluttering expert for Price Self Storage (@PriceStorage), told us a way to winterize your home while making it even homier: “This time of transition is a good time to spruce up your home and organize your things for the coming cold seasons. Arrange blankets on couches, chairs, and beds throughout the house so they will be within reach when the chill starts creeping in.Make your bedroom ready for the cold by switching out your light summery bed linens for cozier fabrics and richer colors. Flannel sheets are great for cold nights. Layer blankets or even a faux fur throw to add richness and warmth. Slippers are the best way to keep your feet warm in the winter. A basket of slippers by your front door for visitors to don after taking off their muddy or snowy boots would be a nice touch.”Take all of this advice, and your home will be as warm as our appreciation for you! And without breaking the bank!How do you prepare your home for winter? Let us know! You can email us or you can find us on  Facebook and  Twitter.  Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedINContributorsKelly Bedrich  is Co-Founder and President of, an innovative electricity shopping experience focused on quality electricity providers, straightforward plans, and data-driven tools to help customers find their perfect electricity plan.   He is also President of  Cypress Capital Ventures LLC, a website portfolio company focused o n addressing consumer needs in renewable energy. He is an IT entrepreneur, energy conservation advocate, and loves to help others reduce their energy usage through awareness and education.John Bodrozic  is a co-founder of  HomeZada, an online and mobile home management solution. HomeZada strives to educate and provide resources for homeowners in all areas of home management, including home inventory, home maintenance, home finances and home improvement projects.Maggie Germano,  is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and financial coach for women. Her mission is to give women the support and tools that they need to take control of their money, break the taboo of discussing debt and income, and achieve their goals and dreams. She does this through one-on-one  financial coaching, monthly  Money Circle  gatherings, her weekly  Money Monday  newsletter, and speaking engagements. To learn more, or to schedule a free discovery call, visit McClenahan is a sto rage industry professional, marketing manager for Price Self Storage (@PriceStorage) and editor for the Live Uncluttered Blog. She enjoys finding and sharing creative solutions to home decluttering and organization challenges.Jeffrey Weldler  is the Marketing Director and Home Design Expert at Vänt Wall Panels. Vänt Wall Panels are the most innovative and user-friendly wall décor system ever created. Vänt is inspiring living at its finest. They’re perfect for every room in the house,  from the kitchen and bedroom to the living room and office. Learn more about Vänt by visiting  Vänt Wall Panels.Ali Wenzke, Moving Expert, moved 10 times in 11 years. Now she’s helping the millions of people who move each year by providing practical tips on how to make moving a happy experience at  The Art of Happy Moving. After calling seven U.S. states home, Ali is now happily settled in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and three children. She doesn’t plan on moving anytime soon.Carso n Yarbrough is a Consumer Insights Specialist for (@Offers), and loves finding a good deal. She covers all things shopping, spending, and deal-hunting. Carson is passionate about discovering the best finds and sharing insights with consumers. In her free time, she loves finding free shows, music festivals and spending time around the beautiful city of Austin.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Emoji Movie Analysis - 1640 Words

In the past few weeks there has been great backlash on a movie that had been released called ‘ The Emoji Movie’. Megan Garber, a staff writer at ‘ The Atlantic ‘ situated in Washington releases an article on why ‘The Emoji movie ‘ fails. The goal I want to achieve by writing this essay is to identify how the author builds the argument of the topic using different rhetorical strategies and check if the author established solid credible evidence to validate the arguments she made. The article being discussed was released on August 4,2017 shortly after the release of the movie on July 28, 2017. Garber writes this text to explain the problems with the movie and later on supporting her arguments by using related examples and statistics that†¦show more content†¦Garber states that The Emoji Code condemns The Emoji movie as it portrays emojis as a language, however Evan’s views it as a tool. The writer adds that the reason that emojis are vastly used is because of its flexibility, meaning that there is no specific way to use them. She includes an example like the writer of the emoji could use it with a certain meaning but the recipient could interpret an extremely different message. Another example she mentioned was when the singer Drake got a tattoo and people thought it was two hands praying or even a high five, however Drake soon addressed the situation by confirming that his tattoo was indeed praying hands. Garber also mentioned that people have associated certain emojis to specific actions. For instance a car emoji can represent people commuting, sunglasses on a smiling face can represent coolness, a winking face can represent that the message was intended to be humorous and many more emojis have many more meanings. The author mentions that emojis were intended for a specific purpose, but eventually began being used for fun and a way for people to express themselves . Towards the end of the article she includes words from Alex French, a reporter for The New York Times stating that a popular business in Hollywood is taking existing work and converting it into a fresh story. In a recent study it was shown that the onlyShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of The Emoji Movie1005 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: In the past few weeks there has been great backlash on a movie that had been released called ‘ The Emoji Movie’. Megan Garber, a staff writer at ‘ The Atlantic ‘ situated in Washington releases an article on why ‘The Emoji movie ‘ fails. The goal I want to achieve by writing this essay is to identify how the author builds the argument of the topic using different rhetorical strategies and check if the author established solid credible evidence to validate the arguments she made. SummaryRead MoreFilm Analysis Of The Emoji Movie2078 Words   |  9 Pagesis changing, people are communicating with each other in ways people even as recently as 40 years ago could have never dreamed of. The words â€Å"Emoji Movie† are one of a new generation, one of a new voice, a â€Å"this is how we talk now and we don’t care if you like it or not† generation. This movie is something that could have only been made in 2017. This movie is what the world needed to define a generation that needs to be defined. It shows themes of outcasting, loneliness, bullying, being yourselfRead MoreHarry Potter And The Deathly Hallows4316 Words   |  18 PagesHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Critical Analysis of the trailer By Lydia Turner Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 released in 2011 and directed by David Yates. Warner Bros distributed the film. It is based upon Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows written by J.K Rowling that was split in to two parts this film was the final film of the whole series, which consisted of eight films. The films target audience are people of the ages of 15 to 24 however younger and older audiencesRead MoreMagical Discourse Markers Used On Mandarin1895 Words   |  8 Pagesmentioned that the discourse marker in Mandarin has four characters 1) It will not change the meaning of the sentence. 2) it will not increase the extra meaning of the sentence. 3) limited by the situation 4) have some function similar as iPhone s emoji. Besides, Brown P. and S. Levinson(1987) said that the discourse marker often has some connection between the previous and now and it has the meaning that enhances and response for the preceding sentence or the very beginning of the same sentence.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lab Report On Chemical Compounds - 1107 Words

Abstract: In this lab report two unknown substances will be tested. The tests performed were looking for the presence of the main biomolecules, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. The tests used will be used in the Lab report are; The Benedicts test to test for sugars, the Iodine test for coiled or non-coiled carbs, The Grease-spot test for lipids, and the Biuret test for proteins. Tests show that both substances had different responses to the Benedicts test. Both substances shared the same response to the Iodine test. In the Grease-spot test both showed the same. In the Biuret test the unknown substances resulted differently from each other. Introduction/ Discussion: Discussed in Chapter 5 â€Å"The Composition of†¦show more content†¦Unsaturated fats include items such as olive oil and soybean oil. Saturated fats are fats that are become solid in room temperature; examples include lard, butter, and coconut oil. To test for lipids the grease-spot test can be implemented. In the grease-spot test it is to be observed if the spot is translucent, this indicates there are lipids. Proteins are components of tissue; proteins themselves are composed of amino acids which serve as building blocks. To test for proteins the Biuret test is used. Using a Biuret reagent the color of the solution will change depending on the presence of proteins. The solution will turn from blue to violet if proteins are indeed present. In this lab for testing the unknowns each test will be performed on unknown substances to test for the appearance of the four main molecules. These tests are important because they show the presence of these biomolecules which are in organisms. Materials and Methods: All materials and experiment steps were provided by the test from â€Å"Exploring Biology in the laboratory.† (Pendarvis. Carwley.) Two unknown solutions were tested. The first solution tested is B3. Using the Benedicts test the test tube was labeled at the 0.5cm mark and 1.0cm mark. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Children Who Are Blind Children - 1093 Words

This article is about written by the authors H.Trpster, M.Brambring. It was about differences between the behavior children who are blind and children who are sighted. The sighted children are felt more comfortable levels of playing at the earlier age than did the blind children. The blind children felt less uncomfortable with other children who was sighted children, the blind children played tactile auditory games and toys and in simple games. Children were playing important of source of information for children’s sensorimotor, cognitive and social-emotional development. The blind children are the Measurement of one or more children with developmental delay worth five areas: cognitive development, physical development, communication†¦show more content†¦as motor skills, vision, hearing, health nutrition physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social Emotional development, and for the record of the current level of information about the child s adaptation to the environment, and Family support, related to the normal development of the child should be checked promote the highest interests of the family record. However, this information is optional and may be under parental consent. Description of the main results are expected for the child and family, and the description about the revision of the program description and the required modifications or about to be used for determining the degree of advancement should aim at a degree of compliance, a procedure, a time this requirement and description of the specific services needed to achieve the goals of the child s mediation, and disclose in any environment, service authorization, Procurement method will be provided with a description of the funds needed about medical services and other services required by the child is required whether the cooperation with other agencies responsible for the implementation plan and a list of service personal found to be. Differences appear to indicate the chronological age and performance level. The blind children who cannot see so it is very

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethan Frome Fantasy is an Escape from Winter Essay Example For Students

Ethan Frome: Fantasy is an Escape from Winter Essay Ethan Frome, the title character of Edith Whartons tragic novel, lives in his own world of silence, where he replaces his scarcity of words with images and fantasies. There is striking symbolism in the imagery, predominantly that of winter which connotes frigidity, detachment, bleakness and seclusion. Twenty-eight year old Ethan feels trapped in his hometown of Starkfield, Massachusetts. He marries thirty-four year old Zeena after the death of his mother, in an unsuccessful attempt to escape the silence, isolation, and loneliness of life (Lawson 71). Several years after their marriage, cousin Mattie Silver is asked to relieve Zeena, a gaunt and sallow hypochondriac, of her household duties. Ethan finds himself falling in love with Mattie, drawn to her youthful energy, as, The pure air, and the long summer hours in the open, gave life and elasticity to Mattie (Wharton 60). Ethan is attracted to Mattie because she is the antithesis of Zeena. While Mattie is young, happy, healthy, and beautiful like the summer, Zeena is seven years older than Ethan, bitter, ugly and sickly cold like the winter (Lewis 310). Zeenas strong, dominating personality emasculates Ethan, while Matties feminine, effervescent youth makes Ethan feel like a real man. Contrary to his characteristic passiveness, he defies Zeena in Matties defence, You cant go, Matt! I wont let you! Shes Zeenas always had her way, but I mean to have mine now - (Wharton 123). To Ethan, Mattie is radiant and energetic. He sees possibilities in her beyond his trite life in Starkfield, something truly worth standing up for. Her energy and warmth excite him and allow him to escape from his lonely, monotonous life. While Zeena is visiting an out of town doctor, Ethan and Mattie, alone in the house, intensely feel her eerie presence. The warmth of their evening together is brought to an abrupt end by the accidental breaking of Zeenas prized dish. Zeenas fury at the breaking of an impractical pickle dish exemplifies the rage she must feel about her useless life. That the pickle dish has never been used makes it a strong symbol of Zeena herself, who prefers not to take part in life (Lawson 68-69). Ethans response to Zeenas rage was silence. Just as Ethan lives in silence, so too does his wife. The total lack of communication between the silent couple is a significant factor in Ethans miserable marriage. Ethan kept silent in his dealings with his wife, to check a tendency to impatient retort he had first formed the habit of not answering her, and finally thinking of other things while she talked (Wharton 72). Zeena is the cold and ugly reality from which Ethan tries to escape in his dreams of a life with Mattie. He is happy only when imagining his life with Mattie. The night that they are alone, hepretends that they are married. Often when they are together, he fantasizes that Zeena is dead and that he and Mattie live togetherin blissful devotion. Ethan deludes himself because, as a prisoner of circumstance, his only escape is illusion. His happiness in the company of Mattie is the product of a self-deception necessitated by his unhappy marriage to Zeena, the obstacle to a life long relationship with Mattie. After the night of the broken dish, Ethan and Mattie finally articulate their feelings for each other, and are forced to face the painful reality that their fantasies can not come true:The return to reality was as painful as the return to consciousness after taking an anaesthetic. His body and brain ached with indescribable weariness, and he could not think of nothing to say or do that should arrest the mad flight of the moments (Wharton 95). .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 , .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .postImageUrl , .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 , .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:hover , .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:visited , .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:active { border:0!important; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:active , .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1 .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1a3dee195135e28b8a099a08206cfdc1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ray Bradburys Outlook Of The F EssayZeena herself, from an oppressive reality, had faded into an insubstantial shade (Wharton 39). Her hypochondria is her outlet, just as Ethans world of fantasy is his. It her obsession with her health is adventurous in contrast to her monotonous marriage (McDowell 66). Sickly Zeena is able to manipulate her husband using her frail health to justify her bitter personality. When she Zeena spoke it was only to complain (Wharton 72). Ethan and Mattie attempt to preserve their happiness and remain together the only way they can, in death. At this point, Mattie inadvertently becomes the cause of Ethans tragic suffering. The aborted suicide attempt leads to their tragic fate, living a life of physical suffering, so badly injured that former invalid, Zeena is forced to care for them. If shed Mattied ha died, Ethan might ha lived (Wharton 181). It is horribly ironic that, as a result of the accident, Mattie, the source of Ethans earlier joy, is now an additional trial in an already depleted life. Where Ethan was once uplifted by virtue of Matties being, he is now burdened by her very presence. Tragically, time only accentuated his suffering instead of alleviating it. After suffering so long with the sickly Zeena, Ethan now has to exist with the horribly deformed remains of a once beautiful, sensitive, and loving girl. Once again surrendering himself to the forces of isolation, silence, darkness, cold, and death-in-life (McDowell 68). The setting for Ethan Frome is winter. Edith Wharton, the author, chose winter as a theme because it symbolizes the emotional and physical isolation, cold, darkness, and death that surround Ethan. Similarly, the name of the town Starkfield is symbolic of Ethans arid life. Stark denotes the harsh winters causing barren, lifeless landscape, with lifeless and devastated people (Howe 113). The narrator notes this connection; During the early part of my stay I had been struck by the climate and the deadness of the community (Wharton 8). Wharton emphasizes the rigor of life in a harsh land with its rocky soul, its cold winters, and its bleak, desolate beauty (McDowell 65). Wharton writes:The snow had ceased, and a flash of watery sunlight exposed the house on the slope above us in all its plaintive ugliness. The black wraith of a deciduous creeper flapped from the porch, and the thin wooden walls, under their worn coats of paint, seemed to shiver in the wind that had risen with the ceasing of the snow (20). The downtrodden image painted in this quotation describes the environment, as well as describing Ethan. Just as his house was once new and beautiful but is now torn by many harsh winters in Starkfield, so to was Ethan. The ravages of winter destroy both mans will to survive and the buildings he constructed to shield him from this environment. As the narrator explains, I had a sense that his Ethans loneliness was not merely the result of his personal plight, tragic as I guessed that to be, but had in it the profound accumulated cold of many winters (Wharton 15). The description of the weather is also used to foreshadow events and set the mood. Once Ethan and Mattie decide to take their lives, as if to suggest that something will go wrong, the sky is described as, swollen with clouds that announce a thaw, hung as low as before a summer storm (Wharton 167). This is just one of many times in the novel when the climate is used to indicate foreboding events. The weather imagery is used in character development and depiction. After the accident, He Ethan seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface (Wharton 14). When Mattie first arrives in Starkfield, her presence is perceived as, a bit of hopeful young life, like the lighting of a fire on a cold hearth (33). In contrast to Matties radiant warmth, Zeena is described as wintery and unappealing:She Zeena sat opposite the window, and the pale light reflected from the banks of snow made her face look more than usually drawn and bloodless, sharpened the three parallel creases between ear and cheek, and drew querulous lines from her thin nose to the corners of her mouth (64). .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd , .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .postImageUrl , .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd , .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:hover , .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:visited , .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:active { border:0!important; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:active , .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufe7c5f56601491c7acc545d9359b7abd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gun Control misc6 EssayIn view of his miserable life, the reader can well understand Ethans need to escape into a fantasy world of warmth and love. The pervasiveness of the winter imagery evokes in the reader a sense of the bitter solitude, silence, desolation, and despair ultimately felt by each of the three main characters. Their tragic lives are overshadowed by gloom and hopelessness, in much the same way that winter stunts the growth and vitality of natures creations. Works CitedHowe, Irving. Edith Wharton: A Collection of Critical Essays. New York: Prentis Hall, 1962. Lawson, Richard H. Edith Wharton. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1977. Lewis, R.W.B. Edith Wharton A Biography. New York: Harper Row, Publishers, 1975. McDowell, Margaret. Edith Wharton. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1976. Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. New York: Charles Scribeners Sons, 1911.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Sin and Redemption

Introduction Lord of the world was written by Robert Hugh Benson in 1908. He was an Anglican who changed and became a catholic priest. He died soon after writing this book at the age of forty one. Though it is 103 years ago its message finds a great place in our society today.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Sin and Redemption specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It describes a social world of human beings that did not recognize the need for religion that eventually leads to forgiveness and every good thing that one may expect. The people in the world were hopeless and only had death as the end of life. This essay will discuss sin, its consequences and redemption. Sin and redemption are the basis of religion and this will help analyze people’s attitude towards sin and redemption. Sin Sin can be viewed as going against a divine law. It is evil and usually immoral and it affects how humanity relates w ith God. Firstly, Benson brings out his point that pain is as a result of sin. This sin is, he argues â€Å"Well, sin is rebellion of mans will against Gods† (Benson 33). He further describes that the freedom that God gave mankind was to make him love him but then man misused the freedom and sinned. Sin bought guilt to the sinner. Guilt causes the sinner to bear the consequences for his actions. This can be physical, such as beatings, jailing or paying of fines. Worse is the psychological guilt that gets in ones heart. Sin was a name given to describe a value worse than all vices. It was known to be deadly and poisonous by Christians: â€Å"This madness then was the one crime which still deserved a name; Murder, theft, rape, even anarchy itself, were as trifling faults compared to this monstrous sin†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Benson 233). In the ordinary world, sin is referred to as monstrous because it causes a person a painful experience and ends up hurting a person’s heart. In a Christian perspective, the author argued that can spread to the deepest part of a human being. Benson referred to it as a deadly poison: Every cell that becomes infected with it was infected in that very fiber that bound it to spring of life. This, and this alone was the supreme crime of High Treason against man-and nothing but complete removal from the world could be a complete remedy. (Benson 233) Benson believed that the situation in which mankind was in called for a need for something to be carried out; this, therefore, called for redemption to prevent humankind from perishing.Advertising Looking for critical writing on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sin betrays trust: â€Å"If you tell me on your word of honor that there is no woman in the case, or no particular program of sin you propose to work out, shall believe you; I swear to you there is not† (Benson 33). This statement suggests that s in is all round and that sin is wrong and even people know it subconsciously. If one has no sin, then he can be trusted. It was a culture to swear on so that one can believe in another’s person statement. Redemption The redemption power which is the forgiveness of sins comes from one’s willingness to be forgiven of her/his sin. It is available to all human beings since all are partakers of God’s mercies. Thus, irrespective of whom one was there was pardon for sin. This is captured best by the following thoughts presented by Benson: You said just now you wanted the forgiveness of sins, well, you have that; we all have it, because there is no such thing as sin. There is only crime, and then communion. You used to believe that God made you a partaker of God. Well we are all partakers of God, because we are human beings. (Benson 93) Forgiveness of sins was everlasting. This is because forgiveness of sins was passed on through generations. Those who confessed their s ins were forgiven. Forgiveness came after repentance: â€Å"Here was this old man, talking in his sleep, babbling of the cross, and the inner life of forgiveness of sins, exactly as his predecessor had talked two thousand years before† (Benson 111). However, not all believed that it was true and there is forgiveness of sins. This is why the man is called stupid. He thought it will be wasting his time making confession. Redemption is seen to happen to a few that believes. Some had heard this gospel for long but never believed. For example: Look how Christianity has failed-how it has divided people; think of the cruelties-the inquisition, the religious wars; the separations between husbands and wife and parents and children†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦What kind of a God would that be! And then hell; how could you ever have believed in that? (Benson 93)Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Sin and Redemption specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This was a mother’s conversation with her daughter. The mother had heard the gospel for a long time but had not yet believed in it, while the daughter though young could believe sin, punishment and forgiveness. Conclusion Sin stains a human being and thus there is need for redemption. This redemption came after confession and repentance and only those that believe in it receive it. It sets one free and prevents pain, saving him from pain and suffering. The good values in the society are also established where there is no sin and redemption. The reason for faith and faithlessness is therefore called to those with who become Christians. In addition evil and violence subsequently diminish in the society. Work Cited Benson, Robert. Lord of the World. Washington DC: Cengage Learning, 2005. Print. This critical writing on Sin and Redemption was written and submitted by user Marianna Cline to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Pell Grant Chart (Most Recent) Eligibility and Payments

Pell Grant Chart (Most Recent) Eligibility and Payments SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're looking for a quick and simple way to estimate your Pell Grant eligibility, you've come to the right place. I've included a couple of different charts that you mayfind helpful: one to check off federal eligibilitycriteria, and one to to estimate Pell Grant award amounts. Read on to learn more! Federal Aid Pell Grant Eligibility Chart The Pell Grant is a federally funded award that's primarily meant to help low-income students pay for college (you can learn more about the Pell Grant here). If you want to be considered for the grant, you have to meet all federal eligibility requirements. There are some other requirements you should be aware of - you can get more information by checking out our eligibilityguide. This next chart is a checklist ofall federal aid criteria. These requirements apply not just for the Pell Grant, but for all types of federal aid. You may find it helpful to print these charts for your own reference. In order to qualify, you must do all of the following: Eligibility Requirement Do you meet this criterion? Have a high school diploma, GED, or approved homeschool education Be enrolled or accepted to enroll in an eligible degree/certificate program You can check with your school/program’s financial aid office if you want to confirm eligibility Be registered with Selective Service, if you are male and between 18-25 years old If applicable,register with the SS website Have a valid Social Security Number (unless you’re from the Marshall Islands, Federal States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau) Sign statements on the FAFSA stating that (1) you’re not in default, and do not owe refund money, on a federal student loan, and (2) you’ll only use federal aid money to help pay for your education Access the FAFSA Maintain â€Å"satisfactory† progress in school If you’re concerned about your academic performance, or have questions about what is considered â€Å"satisfactory,† set up a meeting with your dean or other school administrator. In addition to the requirements listed in the chart above, you must be able to check one of the following: Be a US citizen or US national Have a green card Have an arrival-departure record Have battered immigrant status Have a T-Visa Pell Grant Payment Schedule Chart If you've locked down all the Pell Grant eligibility requirements, the next thing you'll want to consider is how much Pell Grant money you could receive. For more detailed information, you could check out our post on Pell Grant limits. Our Pell Grant Calculator guide will walk you through estimating your award amount. If you already have an idea of yourExpected Family Contribution (EFC) andenrollment status (full-time versus part-time), this chart will help you estimate your award amount very efficiently. Keep in mind that the award amounts in this chart are per semester, not per year; just double the appropriate amount to get an estimate of your annual grant eligibility. Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Full-Time 3/4-Time 1/2-Time Less than 1/2-Time 0 $2,887.50 $2,165.50 $1,444.00 $722.00 1 to 100 $2,862.50 $2,147.50 $1,431.50 $715.50 101 to 200 $2,812.50 $2,109.50 $1,406.50 $703.00 201 to 300 $2,762.50 $2,072.00 $1,381.50 $690.50 301 to 400 $2,712.50 $2,034.50 $1,356.50 $678.00 401 to 500 $2,662.50 $1,997.00 $1,331.50 $665.50 501 to 600 $2,612.50 $1,959.00 $1,306.50 $653.00 601 to 700 $2,562.50 $1,922.00 $1,281.50 $640.50 701 to 800 $2,512.50 $1,884.50 $1,256.50 $628.00 801 to 900 $2,462.50 $1,847.00 $1,231.50 $615.50 901 to 1000 $2,412.50 $1,809.50 $1,206.50 $603.00 1001 to 1100 $2,362.50 $1,772.00 $1,181.50 $590.50 1101 to 1200 $2,312.50 $1,734.50 $1,156.50 $578.00 1201 to 1300 $2,262.50 $1,697.00 $1,131.50 $565.50 1301 to 1400 $2,212.50 $1,659.50 $1,106.50 $553.00 1401 to 1500 $2,162.50 $1,622.00 $1,081.50 $540.50 1501 to 1600 $2,112.50 $1,584.50 $1,056.50 $528.00 1601 to 1700 $2,062.50 $1,547.00 $1,031.50 $515.50 1701 to 1800 $2,012.50 $1,509.50 $1,006.50 $503.00 1801 to 1900 $1,962.50 $1,472.00 $981.50 $490.50 1901 to 2000 $1,912.50 $1,434.50 $956.50 $478.00 2001 to 2100 $1,862.50 $1,397.00 $931.50 $465.50 2101 to 2200 $1,812.50 $1,359.50 $906.50 $453.00 2201 to 2300 $1,762.50 $1,322.00 $881.50 $440.50 2301 to 2400 $1,712.50 $1,284.50 $856.50 $428.00 2401 to 2500 $1,662.50 $1,247.00 $831.50 $415.50 2501 to 2600 $1,612.50 $1,209.50 $806.50 $403.00 2601 to 2700 $1,562.50 $1,172.00 $781.50 $390.50 2701 to 2800 $1,512.50 $1,134.50 $756.50 $378.00 2801 to 2900 $1,462.50 $1,097.00 $731.50 $365.50 2901 to 3000 $1,412.50 $1,059.50 $706.50 $353.00 3001 to 3100 $1,362.50 $1,022.00 $681.50 $340.50 3101 to 3200 $1,312.50 $984.50 $656.50 $328.00 3201 to 3300 $1,262.50 $947.00 $631.50 $315.50 3301 to 3400 $1,212.50 $909.50 $606.50 $303.00 3401 to 3500 $1,162.50 $872.00 $581.50 $290.50 3501 to 3600 $1,112.50 $834.50 $556.50 $0.00 3601 to 3700 $1,062.50 $797.00 $531.50 $0.00 3701 to 3800 $1,012.50 $759.50 $506.50 $0.00 3801 to 3900 $962.00 $722.00 $481.50 $0.00 3901 to 4000 $912.50 $684.50 $456.50 $0.00 4001 to 4100 $862.50 $647.00 $431.50 $0.00 4101 to 4200 $812.50 $609.50 $406.50 $0.00 4201 to 4300 $762.50 $572.00 $381.50 $0.00 4301 to 4400 $712.50 $534.50 $356.50 $0.00 4401 to 4500 $662.50 $497.00 $331.50 $0.00 4501 to 4600 $612.50 $459.50 $306.50 $0.00 4601 to 4700 $562.50 $422.00 $0.00 $0.00 4701 to 4800 $512.50 $384.50 $0.00 $0.00 4801 to 4900 $462.00 $347.00 $0.00 $0.00 4901 to 5000 $412.50 $309.50 $0.00 $0.00 5001 to 5100 $362.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5101 to 5198 $313.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5199 and up $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 What's Next? Now that you know about Pell Grant eligibility requirements and award amounts, you'll want to take that next step: actually submitting a Pell Grant application. Check out our submission guide here. If you're interested in learning more about financial aid opportunities, you may want to look at our guides on merit scholarships and SAT scholarships. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Comparative Approaches in Employment Relations Assignment

Comparative Approaches in Employment Relations - Assignment Example termines the country’s labor force and the rate of either employment or unemployment is equally dependent on this vital body in a country’s structure (Bamber, Lansury and Wailes, 2011, 61). The employment relations, also cuts across the way in which the employees are treated by the government and their employers. It also stipulates the way in which the employees can fire their grievances and the rights and privileges entitled to them. However, the HRM and the ER vary from country to country depending on the development status of the nation. It is determined by various factors that hold the country’s GDP and economic status of a country Bamber (2011, 112). Basing our comparison between two nations of different economic status, therefore, it is important to narrow our discussion on Nations of two different classes. That is a developed country and a low developed country or rather an underdeveloped country (Barry, 2011, 91). To begin with, a developed country is a country in which it is has fully or effectively utilized its existing natural resources and whose per capita income is relatively high and most of its citizens are able to acquire or live according to the trends of standards of living. On the other hand, an underdeveloped country is one which has not utilized its existing natural resources, and the level of standards of living is low. The GDP of such a country is too low, and the per capita income is also too low. To consider and compare the HRM and ER in such countries has a number of factors to consider. In a developed country such as Australia, which has a stable economy and a high GDP, the human resource management is well established. Australia is known to be the twelfth nation in the economic power as far as GDP is concerned as well as total wealth of 6.4 trillion dollars. It has a population which is approximately 23.13 million, and the labor force is approximately 12.15 million. In such a country, the levels of employment are high. In such a

Thursday, February 6, 2020

How technology today affects a student's success Research Paper

How technology today affects a student's success - Research Paper Example The technological devices, including simple tool-based applications, video devices, online repositories, computers and handheld devices, have found wide application in various learning institutions and among students across the globe. Thus, this research paper aims at analyzing how technology has caused students to experience success through accessibility of materials, choice of convenient learning styles and enhancement of technological proficiency. Technology makes learning materials available to students, thus greater access, which increases the body of knowledge from which students learn from. Web browsers provide students with opportunities to find information on whatever subject. In fact, they provide more current materials than most school libraries do (Gemmill, and Peterson 281). Among the materials that students stand to benefit from the Internet include up-to-date tutorials and research papers. Software tools like spreadsheets, concept maps and databases allow these student s to organize and evaluate whatever data they access online. In addition, the accessed materials teach students to create work that depicts a high sense of professionalism, thus expanding the knowledge of such students. Another important information which technology, particularly the Internet, provides include comparison information on various learning institutions (Rambe 272). When seeking for an institution that would meet a student’s needs, it would be critical to get information on the various available options. The Internet provides information on the location, specialties and fees structure of such institutions. Furthermore, the global rankings of such institutions help students make informed choices of which institution to join. Rightful decisions enhance the desirable performance among students. Secondly, technology provides more convenient learning approaches which make learning comfortable and consequently boost students’ concentration in academics. In classr ooms, many teachers have adopted digital media to foster students’ skills. According to (Muir-Herzig 114), teachers use technological applications to simulate real-world phenomena to enable students execute authentic assignments as real workers would. Audio and video technology stimulates young minds which facilitates learning. The incorporation of pictures, animation and sound makes multimedia enhance recalling of basic facts among students as well as enhancing their understating of systems considered to be complex. Technology allows for learning in an institution of choice from whatever location in the world through distance learning which enables students to learn conveniently. The constructivist learning and teaching model cited by Muir-Herzig (114) indicates that due to the complexity of tasks brought about by technology, students’ motivation to learn increases. For example, as observed from a study by Gulek and Demirtas (29), students using laptops engage more in collaborative work than those without and further get motivated in writing their assignments, producing high quality work of greater length. They explore topics on their own, spending more time working on their school projects. The collaboration with other students through appropriate platforms such as social media enables students to tap into the available opportunities (Rambe 272). Whatever the preferred mode of learning, students leverage on technology to

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ethnic Diversity Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Diversity Essay Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? Diversity is the combination of different races of people, religions, and culture. Diversity is important to constantly grow and learn new ideas that will help our society become a better environment to live in. Diversity is value because it allows us to learn different things that may help up us in life, that our own culture does teach, or provide. 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society? Ethnocentrism is a term that is used to describe the tendency that someone will believe his or her own customs and traditions are better than anyone else’s. It is determined that no culture is perfect, and closing society from the great custom of other cultures does not allow one a chance to solve all problems, and learn what others know that we are custom to disbelieve in. 3. Define emigration and immigration. Emigration is a person leaving a country, and Immigration is a person entering a country. E in Emigration can mean exit, and I in immigration can mean in. Many get these to word mixed up, mainly in ones English or History class as a student. For example the United States are prompt with immigrants with an I, and Mexico are accounted for emigrants with an E. 4. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified? Some ways groups of people are identified are by race or creed, gender, religion, raised by one or both parents, or raised outside of their original family. In addition, American cultural group people by age, until you reach 18, one is considered an adolescent, and when one reaches 21, they are considered an adult. 5. Why do people label and group other people? People label and group other people as a barrier to not be taken by surprise. If a certain Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Diversity Worksheet ETH/125 Version 8 2 person done something wrong, and we see more people like that person doing the same, we now label that entire race of people to be the same. The labeling part works as a defense mechanism to not allow someone that we think is bad or good, take advantage of us or we lock out someone we think can be a good friend. 6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain. Culture is the customs of a group of people, by race, religion, beliefs, and tradition. Culture is not limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds. Because there are many different races that have the same religious culture and traditions. For example Indians, Blacks, Iranians, and I am sure there are others that believe in the Islamic religion, and have the same beliefs and follow the same religion traditions. Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Comparison of Dulce et Decorum Est and Charge of the Light Brigade Essa

Comparison of Dulce et Decorum Est and Charge of the Light Brigade Compare and contrast the two poems Dulce et Decorum Est (Owen) with Charge of the Light Brigade (Tennyson), paying particular attention to the writers’ attitude to war. The attitudes of poets towards war have always been expressed vigorously in their poetry, each poet either condoning or condemning war, and mitigating their attitudes in whatever way possible. I aim to explore the change in the portrayal of war before and during the twentieth century, and also the structures and devices poets use to convey their views persuasively, and justify them. For this job I have chosen to write about â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade† written by the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson and â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† by the poet Wilfred Owen. These two poems describe war, and scenes from war, with varying levels of intensity and reality and also from different viewpoints. Written during the Crimean War Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade† mirrors the sentiments expressed in the Battle of Balaclava. This event took place in 1854 and is still remembered as one of the most famous triumphs in British history. The truth is that Lord Raglan suicidally led his troops " Into the valley of Death ", where they were massacred. Lord Tennyson was the poet Laureate at the time of the Crimean war, but did not witness any fighting and was not involved in it but his clever and effective use of literary devices in his poem ensure that this military fiasco was remembered as a glorious victory. Tennyson puts across a message to remember, respect and honour the soldiers for what they have given up their lives to do for their country. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† however, was writt... ... suggesting that the writers of glorious war poems have even lied to the young people, and sent them to the front line to die in their millions, in awful conditions and distressing situations. Having explored both poems, I feel that the one which brings about the biggest response from me is â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†. This is because of the striking graphic imagery he uses, the way he describes the effects of the war on him, and also because of the way he directs the poem at the reader personally, using phrases such as â€Å"you† and â€Å"my friend†. In my opinion, â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade† does not have the impact and the realism to convey the opinions contained in it effectively and forcefully. I feel is a more imaginative, outlook on war than Wilfred Owen’s graphic poem. The thing I did like about Tennyson’s poem was the excitement and passion and pace.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner: The Narrator

William Faulkner was the first to turn the eyes of America toward the South six decades after the Civil War.   The war was still a sore spot for most citizens of the United States and the people of the South were still considered by many as the enemy, not just because it had left the Union, but because of the complicated rules of her society.Faulkner allowed the rest of the country a glimpse into this world which can sometimes be macabre.   His short story A Rose For Emily, published in nineteen thirty, was told in third person limited point of view.   The choice of narrator for this story was essential to the story because of the fact that the narrator is an insider in the culture that was almost forgotten previous to the Modernism Period.The narrator is a citizen of Jefferson, Mississippi in the county Yoknapatawpha County, the fictional town and county created by Faulkner that represented his own town of Oxford.Any culture feels threatened when an outsider reveals its negati ve traits; therefore the narrator had to be a Southerner.   When he tells the story, he uses the pronoun â€Å"we† when referring to the citizens of Jefferson.This allows the reader to understand that the narrator speaks for the town and is familiar with the culture.   It seems if the one telling the story is a man even if this is never stated.   A woman would not have made the statement that the narrator does about the reason that Colonel Sartoris has remitted her taxes.â€Å"Only a man of Colonel Sartoris' generation and thought could have invented it, and only a woman could have believed it.† (Faulkner)   From the statement one can surmise that the narrator is a male.   He remains unnamed throughout the story, yet he would have to be elderly since he not only relates the details of Miss Emily’s, the protagonist, death, but can also relate the story of her youth.Miss Emily is of the aristocracy in Jefferson, yet the narrator is obviously not.   He is probably working class because he knows her and is privileged to the information of the other citizens as well as having access to her actions when she is outside of her home.   He definitely sees a line drawn between himself and the Griersons, instead, he identifies with the majority of the citizens of the town of Jefferson.He has for years listened to the gossip of the small southern town and accepted it as truth, at times feeling sympathy and other times passing judgment on Miss Emily as well as the others.   â€Å"Being left alone, and a pauper, she had become humanized. Now she too would know the old thrill and the old despair of a penny more or less.† (Faulkner)He feels vindicated when she is brought down to the level of the rest of the people in town, yet his heart feels for her when she is left alone when her father dies and when it seems as if Homer Baron, her lover, has abandoned her.The fictional town Jefferson, Mississippi deep in the heart of the South sha pes the narrator’s perspective of the story.   While the reader will be mortified by what takes place throughout the story, the narrator accepts them as just everyday happenings.  Ã‚   Since the narrator is a citizen, the culture does not seem strange.Because of this the reader can understand that the way of life that is depicted is real.   It really does matter what a person’s last name is and what class he/ was born into in Jefferson and other Southern towns.   It was feasible that certain people could walk into a drugstore and purchase poison without being questions just two weeks later when an odor was noticed outside of her home and her lover disappeared.The narrator would have to be familiar with this setting to not question it himself.   His own reactions reveal that he expects the rest of the world to accept the ways of Jefferson and his Southern culture as normal and natural.If Faulkner had chosen any other narrator than the average man from Jefferso n the impact that the story had would not have been as incredible as it was.   The reader would not have been able to bring an objective point of view to the story if he/she were clouded with the sympathy for Miss Emily telling her own story.It is vital to the story that she is dead at the end and cannot pay legally for what she has done, therefore she could not tell her story.   The fact that men and women will never truly understand the mind of the opposite sex makes a masculine narrator more objective.A female would understand Miss Emily too well and bring judgment to her actions.   The only other character that could possibly tell Miss Emily’s story would be her servant, Toby.   However, he is obviously too loyal to not be shaded by her actions.The negro met the first of the ladies at the front door and let them in, with their hushed, sibilant voices and their quick, curious glances, and then he disappeared. He walked right through the house and out the back and w as not seen again. (Faulkner)He would rather leave everything that he knows than to reveal the secrets he has kept for his whole adult life.   He would simply be too reserved.   The narrator that was chosen is the one who could tell the story and symbolically giving Miss Emily a rose by bringing her story to the world.Faulkner’s genius is clearly at work by choosing the narrator that he did.   His choice of storyteller allowed the readers to realize that there was more to Southern people than the Confederacy and that was a society with clearly drawn lines and rules that were accepted as a way of life.Works CitedFaulkner, William. A Rose for Emily. 30, April 1930 Mead School District. 29, January 2009http:// /A%2520Rose%2520For%2520Emily.pdf+a+rose+for+emily+online+text&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us&ie=UTF-8   

Saturday, January 4, 2020

What is Abolitionism

As the enslavement of African-Americans became a preferred aspect of the United States society, people began questioning the morality of bondage. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the abolition movement grew—first through the religious teachings of the Quakers and later, through anti-slavery organizations. Historian Herbert Aptheker argues that there are three major philosophies of the abolitionist movement: moral suasion; moral suasion followed by political action, and finally, resistance through physical action. While abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison were lifelong believers in moral suasion, others such as Frederick Douglass shifted their thinking to include all three philosophies. Moral Suasion Many abolitionists believed in the pacifist approach to ending slavery. Abolitionists such as William Wells Brown and William Lloyd Garrison believed that people would be willing to change their acceptance of slavery if they could see the morality of enslaved people. To that end, abolitionists believing in moral suasion published slave narratives, such as Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and newspapers such as The North Star and The Liberator. Speakers such as Maria Stewart spoke on lecture circuits to groups throughout the North and Europe to throngs of people trying to persuade them to understand the horrors of slavery. Moral Suasion and Political Action Towards the end of the 1830s, many abolitionists were moving away from the philosophy of moral suasion. Throughout the 1840s, local, state and national meetings of the National Negro Conventions centered around the burning question: how can African-Americans use both moral suasion and the political system to bring an end to slavery. At the same time, the Liberty Party was building steam. The Liberty Party was established in 1839 by a group of abolitionists that believed wanted to pursue emancipation of enslaved people via the political process. Although the political party was not popular among voters, the purpose of the Liberty Party was to underscore the importance of ending enslavement in the United States. Although African-Americans were not able to participate in the electoral process, Frederick Douglass was also a firm believer that moral suasion should be followed by political action, arguing the complete abolition of slavery needed to rely on political forces within the Union, and the activities of abolishing slavery, therefore, should be within the Constitution. As a result, Douglass worked first with the Liberty and Free-Soil parties. Later, he turned his efforts to the Republican Party by writing editorials that would persuade its members to think about the emancipation of slavery. Resistance Through Physical Action For some abolitionists, moral suasion and political action were not enough. For those who desired immediate emancipation, resistance through physical action was the most effective form of abolition. Harriet Tubman was one of the greatest examples of resistance through physical action. After securing her own freedom, Tubman traveled throughout southern states an estimated 19 times between 1851 and 1860. For enslaved African-Americans, rebellion was considered for some the only means of emancipation. Men such as Gabriel Prosser and Nat Turner planned insurrections in their attempt to find freedom. While Prossers Rebellion was unsuccessful, it caused southern slaveholders to create new laws to keep African-Americans enslaved. Turners Rebellion, on the other hand, reached some level of success--before being the rebellion ended more than fifty whites were killed in Virginia. White abolitionist John Brown planned the Harpers Ferry Raid in Virginia. Although Brown was not successful and he was hung, his legacy as an abolitionist who would fight for the rights of African-Americans made him revered in African-American communities. Yet historian James Horton argues that although these insurrections were often halted, it instilled great fear in southern slaveholders. According to Horton, the John Brown Raid was a critical moment which signals the inevitability of war, of hostility between these two sections over the institution of slavery.